The Student Loan Problem
As of the publication of this post, I have $81,411.15 in student loan debt, courtesy of the Art Institute of Colorado (whose parent organization, Education Mana...
As of the publication of this post, I have $81,411.15 in student loan debt, courtesy of the Art Institute of Colorado (whose parent organization, Education Mana...
The following article is a chapter in a forthcoming compositing textbook. There are references to chapters and appendices that have not yet been written. As tho...
It's tempting when someone starts going on about LUTs and gamma and gamuts to let your eyes just glaze over and then ignore them until they go away. Unle...
The Glitch Tools macro collection I am working on is, in large part, based on a template for After Effects that we have at work. I am not sure where the templat...
Getting Started in Blackmagic Fusion These articles are mostly based on Fusion 8.2 build 2 running on Windows 7 with an nVidia GPU. There are some slight differ...