Job Titles in VFX and CG: Miscellaneous roles
Four years ago, I published a series of articles on job titles in the visual effects industry. I missed an entire class of people, though: The support personnel...
Four years ago, I published a series of articles on job titles in the visual effects industry. I missed an entire class of people, though: The support personnel...
Update: Version 2.0 of FractalBlocks is much faster, has better handling for out-of-range values, and features improved controls. Also, this tool can be found i...
While I was studying visual effects in college, one of my instructors ran us through an exercise where we recreated a simple chroma-key tool using basic nodes i...
In a conversation on LinkedIn, I promised to make this file available. I don't recall who it originally came from, but I think I found it on CGTalk. This rate c...
An acquaintance recently quizzed me about whether planar tracking could be used for flexible, organic subjects. The short answer is "yes, I do it all the time,"...
My Traveller group is making the transition to the new Traveller 5 rules. Or some of them, at any rate. Using the new ship design rules, I recreated the Kinunir...
I've had the pleasure of learning some FumeFX* at Eden. Recently I had a scene that gave me some odd artifacts that I couldn't solve. My excellent coworker, Ste...
This is the Hoffer's Wake star system from the PC Game Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos. It's in a style similar to the in game navigation system.
Stereo "3d" movies have made terminology a bit confusing recently. When I refer to 3d, I mean the virtual 3-dimensional Cartesian system that exists inside the ...
When you're dealing with CG, there are two "art environments," so to speak. There is the 3d world in which objects are modeled and animated, and there is the 2d...