Morality and Investing
Over the past few years I have been very blessed by an income that greatly exceeds my expenses. While I am still not out of the woods with regard to debt—my stu...
Articles covering personal finance, minimalism, small-space living, and spiritual matters.
Over the past few years I have been very blessed by an income that greatly exceeds my expenses. While I am still not out of the woods with regard to debt—my stu...
A couple of weeks ago, I began to see signs that someone was attempting to attack my online profiles and accounts. Rather than wait until my security had been b...
As of the publication of this post, I have $81,411.15 in student loan debt, courtesy of the Art Institute of Colorado (whose parent organization, Education Mana...
Living in a small space, as I do, it is important to maximize the utility of every inch of the place. Generally, I am not doing that so well as I might, but in ...
Or a day after my birthday, at any rate. A quick disclaimer: I have no particular theme in mind for this essay; I reserve the right to ramble. Yesterday I turne...
I don't usually advertise my faith in my professional interactions. Perhaps that's a weakness of character, or maybe it's just prudence. But though I do not bri...
Three years ago, a mild financial and personal disaster struck my life. I lost my job at pretty much the same time that my wife left me. I'll keep the personal ...
In a conversation on LinkedIn, I promised to make this file available. I don't recall who it originally came from, but I think I found it on CGTalk. This rate c...