Face Replacement with PFTrack, 3DS Max and Fusion
The first year of my time at Muse VFX was spent almost exclusively on the Disney's Dog With a Blog. For those not familiar with the show, it's about a talking d...
The first year of my time at Muse VFX was spent almost exclusively on the Disney's Dog With a Blog. For those not familiar with the show, it's about a talking d...
One of my favorite things to experiment with in Fusion is its particle system. They are a fantastic tool to create things like smoke, sparks, and magic. Their u...
I took some time today to evaluate the efficiency of the CustomTool against a small collection of nodes to see which approach would be better for a particular m...
This morning, one of my coworkers, Dan, presented a problem: We commonly merge translucent elements such as smoke on top of themselves in order to thicken them ...
Just a small offering this time: The pin light mode from After Effects is a conditional operator. For every pixel in each channel, if image2 > 0.5, display t...
Muse VFX recently created visual effects for Robert Rodriguez' From Dusk Till Dawn television series. The show involves a species of reptilian vampires whose te...
Update: Version 2.0 of FractalBlocks is much faster, has better handling for out-of-range values, and features improved controls. Also, this tool can be found i...
While I was studying visual effects in college, one of my instructors ran us through an exercise where we recreated a simple chroma-key tool using basic nodes i...
An acquaintance recently quizzed me about whether planar tracking could be used for flexible, organic subjects. The short answer is "yes, I do it all the time,"...