Voronoi Fuse — Developer's Diary
In my efforts to expand my capabilities in Fusion, and in visual effects generally, I have taken my first steps into the creation of Fuses. A Fuse is a custom t...
In my efforts to expand my capabilities in Fusion, and in visual effects generally, I have taken my first steps into the creation of Fuses. A Fuse is a custom t...
Thus far we have talked a great deal about how to integrate footage together, how to manipulate it, and how to cut it apart and sew it back together in a new co...
A quick little macro. A couple of days ago, I needed a gradient map, a la Photoshop. My brain was on the fritz all week, so I asked my excellent coworker Joe La...
The Glitch Tools macro collection I am working on is, in large part, based on a template for After Effects that we have at work. I am not sure where the templat...
One of my favorite things to experiment with in Fusion is its particle system. They are a fantastic tool to create things like smoke, sparks, and magic. Their u...
Just a small offering this time: The pin light mode from After Effects is a conditional operator. For every pixel in each channel, if image2 > 0.5, display t...
Update: Version 2.0 of FractalBlocks is much faster, has better handling for out-of-range values, and features improved controls. Also, this tool can be found i...
I've had the pleasure of learning some FumeFX* at Eden. Recently I had a scene that gave me some odd artifacts that I couldn't solve. My excellent coworker, Ste...