Lens Flare — A Developer's Diary pt 1
I'll look at both CG lens flares and real photographed flares on my way to creating lens flare tools in the OpenCL COP for Houdini's Copernicus image processing...
I'll look at both CG lens flares and real photographed flares on my way to creating lens flare tools in the OpenCL COP for Houdini's Copernicus image processing...
In this developer's diary, I'll walk through the creation of a tapered Bezier curve Fuse.
Management of custom tools and scripts in Fusion can begin to become difficult as the number of assets increases. Not only does finding the specific scri...
This is the seventh in a series of articles about OpenCL Fuse development, following the guidance of Vivo & Lowe's Book of Shaders (BoS). In the previous ar...
In the previous chapter, we created some fairly sophisticated behavior using expressions. Setting up such systems takes some time, though, and if you build some...
Just a small offering this time: The pin light mode from After Effects is a conditional operator. For every pixel in each channel, if image2 > 0.5, display t...
Update: Version 2.0 of FractalBlocks is much faster, has better handling for out-of-range values, and features improved controls. Also, this tool can be found i...