1. Hi, Bryan. Thank you for your generous sharing of this knowledge, but I have two questions: 1. Does the linear workflow can't use curves to correct colors, or can‘t adjust gamma parameters? For example, RGB Gamma in the CC node.
    2, I learned that as a compositing artist need to learn photography, but there are many contents of photography, what should I study specifically? Look forward to your answer!

    1. 1) Gamma adjustments work on linear images, but the results will be a little different than what you expect in comparison to a gamma-corrected image. A linear image will respond more strongly to a gamma adjustment than most sRGB images. On the other hand, a sRGB image will respond more strongly to a Gain adjustment. It is sometimes useful to do a temporary gamut conversion into sRGB to color correct, then convert back to linear; the Ranges controls are particularly fiddly when you try to use them on a linear image—you sometimes have to really crunch down the low end to limit it to what you as an artist perceive as the shadows. Changing the image's gamma space first lets you use more reasonable settings. Some other operations also benefit from doing that, like glows and luma keying.

      2) Pretty much anything you learn about the craft of photography is useful in compositing. After all, we're trying to simulate what happens in the camera in order to create the most believable image possible. Although I suppose the philosophical parts of photojournalism are inimical to what we do: Fooling people is the point. I guess the best things to learn are the ones that excite you the most as an artist—the experience you pick up from doing any kind of photography will inform your work as a compositor, and you're most likely to get a lot of experience quickly if you enjoy what you're doing and are trying to excel at it.

  2. Hello, Bryan. I have read the book that you write about Fusion composition. That's really helpful for me. Thanks a lot for that. I love the green screen composition, But it's hard for me because I'm a beginner and I don't have professional training. I am eager to learn a standard about it. So I am wondering if you can help me or recommend some learning resources and tutorials.
    I'm really looking forward to Chapter 12 Customization and Pipeline of this book! why not go on finishing it. I think it's valuable for every composition lover.

    1. The old Eyeon channel on YouTube is still mostly valid. Rony Soussan had a good course on FXPHd a while back; I'm not sure if that's still available or not. There was also a decent beginners course on Digital Tutors (now PluralSight) a few years ago.

      As for finishing the book, it's not really worth my time to do the work until such time as BMD finishes the user interface redesign. I'm going to have to redo all the screenshots anyway (and that was always part of the plan), but I don't want to do it twice because the UX team was slow getting their job done.

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